Portfolio Category: Patterns GirlsBestFriend-thb Girl’s Best Friend Joy-stocking-thb Joy Stocking PrettyReindeer-thb Pretty Little Reindeer RocknAround-thb Rockn’ Around SnowmenintheWind-thb Snowmen in the Wind Winter_Wind-thb Winter Wind ChristmasRobins-thb Christmas Robins treewithDad-thb Tree with Dad Snowman_Red_Scarf-thb Snow Man WinterWalk-thb Winter Walk Striped_Scarfthb Stripy Scarf CozyComfort-thb Cozy Comfort BeachDay-thb Beach Day Adored Adored Yoga Break Yoga Break LoveBirds-thb Love Birds LongLegs-thb Long Legs EarthDay-thb Earth Flower sandy-thb Sandy Pinky-thb Pinky TaxTime-thb Tax Time Witch inTraining Witch in Training PileofLove-thb Pile of Love SwimwiththeFishies-thb Swim with the Fishies